Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm Alive

Yes, to all those of you out there who are wondering, I am alive. I'm currently ou visiting my families in Colorado. I will be going home in about a week and it is bitter sweet. Bitter because I have received so much welcomed help with my son Jonny and I'd hate to leave that. Sweet because I miss my husband so much and I can't wait to see him again.
I've been distracting my time by reading the Twilight series and I must admit I have very mixed feelings about them. The hardest part for me was the fact that they were written or I guess I should say edited poorly. The author had so many things phrased and written backwards it drove me absolutely crazy. Maybe more so than others because I'm dyslexic and I already have a hard time reading. It's almost as if these books were written for me, but I kept rereading things because my mind wouldn't let me believe that it was really written wrong. Anyway, good story bad writing.
Everything else in life is going really well right now. I just started some online classes at the community college in Monterey and I'm looking forward to doing something for myself finally.
Sorry it's taken so long for me to post, I'll try not to keep all of my avid readers waiting so long next time.


Michelle D. Argyle said...

I'm so happy you're alive! Well, I already knew that you were (wink).

Yes, Twilight was edited poorly, but poorly written as well. She has admitted it herself. Oh well, guess she's rich. Too bad that's not all that matters, huh?

Talk to you soon!

Belle Austen said...

I am glad that you are taking classes. You will have to tell me which ones you are taking. We all have to do something for ourselves or we go brain dead.