Monday, October 5, 2009

The Write Off

I am pregnant with number 2. It's a girl and her name is Allyson Renee Lambert. I am so excited to be having a girl, I will finally have my little princess. There will be lots of dress up and pink. Allyson is due on February 16th but will be making an early appearance on February 9th. The early appearance is due to the small complication that Jeff is getting deployed in February and we're hoping that he will be there for the birth on the 9th.
I am finally in my second trimester and it's been so much better than the first. I suffer from extreme morning sickness with my pregnancies and this one was no different. In fact it was worse. I lost 25 pounds in the first 14 weeks. I couldn't keep anything and I mean anything down and I was miserable. I had an I.V. in my arm to give me the fluids I couldn't drink and I almost had to have a feeding tube inserted through my nose to feed me. I was lucky that I started to get better before my doctor had to do that. But now everything is better. I can eat and I'm actually starting to put on some weight.
And now to totally switch train of thought. Have you ever been written off by a friend or someone close to you? Or have you been the one to write someone out of your life, intentional or not? There are times in our lives when we out-grow people, or move on, or just move. But I'm talking about when you have someone that you consider one of your best friends, you're as close as can be and then they just stop trying. I mean our friendship survived a move to a different state and all. I don't think this person even knows what they've done, but hasn't affected just me. I think I know what happened though. They got re involved in an old hobby and it took over their entire life. I think that maybe they think that I can't relate to them anymore and so they have moved on to people who can. I do know what they think or feel I can only guess and wounder and hope that one day we can be the close friends we used to be. I have a lot of love, patience, and understanding for those I love and those who want it. My friendship is always here waiting for you, I just can't close this door..........