Thursday, October 9, 2008

Still Alive

Yes, I'm still alive. I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while but in my defense I have been extremely busy. Anyway, to those who have been demanding that I post, this one is for you. I have finally finished my list. For those who don't know what I'm talking about my friend Calista wrote a top ten of reasons why she hates her friends book. I have added to the funniness. So with out further adieu:

Top Ten Reasons Why Michelle's Book Has Driven Me Crazy

10. Forget crazy cat lady, she will now and forever more be known as the Crazy Book Lady.

9. Her Real friends have been replaced with the voices in her head.

8. I'm surprised that her computer hasn't gone on strike yet.

7. I'm expecting to get draft #54 any day know.

6. Does her cell phone even work?

5. Crazy Book Lady who?

4. Poor, poor Darcey.

3. Thanks to crazy Book Lady I have written my own book "A Road to Recovery: A 12 Step Program for recovering Writers"

2. If she were my mother I'd call child protective services.

1. Is there a friends protective services?

Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only. This is not meant to hurt any ones feeling or derail them from their work. This list was created out of BFF love and should be laughed at and nothing more.