Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Beginnings

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yes, to all those who were wondering, I am still alive.
I'm happy to say that I have finished my Genealogy classes, which were the reason for my late disappearance, and I got an A in both classes. All that hard work and dedication paid off! Now that I'm done I have more free time on my hands. But not for long. In 28 days I'm moving back to Utah!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited about this I can hardly contain myself. I can't wait to see Calista and Michelle (if I decide to un-disown her by then) again. I will be stating the pack up within the week and slowly start the moving process. This time will not be a disaster!
So, I'm starting the new year off with a move and a new home and will hopefully I'll be ending it with sweat lullaby's (come on this one isn't hard). For those who haven't guessed, Jeff and I are going to start trying for little Lambert #2! I've been waiting for a long time for this, I'm so happy.


slcardinal said...

Heather good to see you back in the blog. We are excited about your visit. With Jonny, Dante, and Bennett running around it will give Calista and I an idea of what three boys is going to look and sound like. I am more concerned about the sound! Looking forward to having you both in our home for a while.

Michelle D. Argyle said...

So you have decided for sure! Congrats, sweetie!

*blushes at mention of being disowned*

I am so calling you today.

Love you. Miss you. Can't wait to kiss you. Wait... well, on the cheek m'dear. This is so exciting to have you back!

Belle Austen said...

Yay! I can't wait for you to get here! We will have fun!